Sylph's Gift
Element: Wind
Weapon Damage: 117.12~270.84
Health Boost:320~740
Ability Power: 64~148
Weapon Skill 1: Break Out
Pierce through enemies, applies vulnerability.
Weapon Skill 2: Falling Star
Continuous damage to enemies within range.
Ra's Corona Bow
Element: Fire
Weapon Damage: 108.8~251.6
Health Boost:320~740
Ability Power: 64~148
Weapon Skill 1: Solar Wall
Summon two rows of blazing sun walls that, on hit, inflict burning.
Weapon Skill 2: Fire Meteor
Continuously attack the enemy and add Burning effect.
Infernal Fang
Element: Dark
Weapon Damage: 121.6~281.2
Health Boost:1152~2664
Ability Power: 64~148
Weapon Skill 1: Shadow Arrow
Shoot penetrating arrows that, on hitting enemies, applies silence.
Weapon Skill 2: Void Arrow
Gather enemies within the target area, continuously damaging them, applies slow.
Thick Bow
Classic weapon
Weapon Damage: 109
Health Boost:320
Ability Power: 64
Weapon Skill 1: Explosive Arrow
Fires arrows that explode when hit, damaging enemies in a small area.
Weapon Skill 2: Storm Rage
Deal damage to enemies within range.
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